Monday, February 19, 2018

Dr. Nzingha Dalila on RBTS and Learned Helplessness

Dr. Nzingha Dalila on RBTS and Learned Helplessness Enroll for free to Nzingha Dalila’s Path of the Gentle Warrior’s 5-day video ecourse and schedule your 15 Minute HIPAA protected, confidential online telemental health session with Dr. Dalila immediately Download the 57-page PDF ebook, “Journal for the Gentle Warrior” by: Nzingha Dalila, EdD, LPCC-S, LCDC-III ADEPT: [Dr. Nzingha Dalila] The SHOCK Metaphysics Virtual Kemetic Wisdom School -------------------------------------- ABOUT: Dr. Nzingha Dalila is an ADEPT for The SHOCK Metaphysics Virtual Kemetic Wisdom School and owner of Noetikha Mental Health Research, Development & Treatment. She holds a doctorate in Counseling Education and Supervision and is an independent licensed clinical counselor and a licensed chemical dependency counselor. She is a Pan African environmental and animal rights activist and trains individuals and groups how to cope with Race-Based Traumatic Stress Injury (RBTSI) and she has created the Social Justice Involvement Scale © (SJIS) to help improve mental health treatment for individuals experiencing emotional and behavioral disorders due to systemic oppression. The mission of Noetikha is to assist in the transformation of optimal wellness for those experiencing abuse due to systemic racial and social injustice in order to resist the effects oppression. Dr. Nzingha’s personal goal is to aid in the mental and emotional liberation of African people so that we can build united and independent communities in the diaspora and reverse the harm that humans have inflicted on the planet. ADEPT: [Dr. Nzingha Dalila] The SHOCK Metaphysics Virtual Kemetic Wisdom School

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